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So I join the NRA. If you don't live in America you may not know what the NRA is. It's the National Rifle Association. They encourage everyone to own a gun or maybe two. You need to take lessons. And if your state allows it you should get a concealed carry license. This means you're carrying a gun around but no one can see. That way if there's a problem you can pull out your gun and shoot somebody. of course we all know there arent any real problems right? So anyway I joined the NRA. It's important for people to own guns. Otherwise you end up in some hellhole like Russia or China. And America is enough of a hell hole as it is anyway. There's really no place on this planet where you can get away from it all. Wherever there's people there's always Cain, there's always somebody there waiting to kill you. So I read this thing on the French Revolution. at one point they decided it was a good idea to kill all the rich people. After all the rich people are rich and there aren't very many of them. Well apparently in France they didn't have any guns either. So the mob went out to where the rich people lived and started going from house to house and started dragging out the people and chopping their heads off. Well they get to this one lady's house and she starts screaming and yelling and she's kicking and screaming and yelling and biting and pinching and scratching and they drag her kicking and screaming and yelling and biting and pinching all the way down to the guillotine and they chop her head off and she's spitting and screaming and scratching. now the people before this just calmly came out of their houses and walked up to the guillotine and stuck their neck down there and got their head chopped off. But not this one woman she went nuts. So then they go to the next house and this person comes out and they chop their head off and then they go to the next house and they say to themselves well that one woman she sort of took it out of us. So they give up. Look at Stalin he lined up 15 million farmers and slaughtered them with machine guns. If they had had some hunting rifles they could have reached out to like 1,200 yards maybe those machine guns would have just packed it in and gone on home. Looking at hitler he rounded up the Jews. He slaughtered 6 million of them. If they had some guns it would have been a different story.  everyone in Switzerland is issued a military firearm. They keep it at home with some bullets. If Invaders come they will shoot at the Invaders. you rarely if ever hear about them shooting at each other. They are orderly they understand the importance protecting yourself and your country. yeah I suppose if you don't have a gun you can do the suicide charge with a kitchen knife. It's a nice symbolic gesture. And Jesus might respect a little bit for it. and if you have a rifle they're probably going to blow you up with a smart bomb anyway. but still you went down fighting. Jesus says love your enemies and that is important Jesus also told disciples make sure you take a couple of swords

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