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oh, one more thing

The only thing that really matters is getting into the Eternal Paradise. Many people that are total failures at software development will be in the Eternal Paradise. And there is some chance that some awesome software Developers that I would hold in very high regard might not make it into the Eternal Paradise. It is far more important to get into the Eternal Paradise than anything else. Still I would recommend that if you're a total failure at software development better take corrective action or do something else.

Getting into the Eternal Paradise starts with something like this, Jesus I know that I'm a sinner. You were perfect on earth and the only perfect sacrifice for all sin. You died for my sins and resurrected from the dead into eternal life and I ask that you would forgive me of my sins and put me on the right path, amen.

Who the hell is this guy some more

At Another job my boss called me into the office, there was another boss there. There was also a thick stack of papers, red underlining on every page. The stack of papers was about all the things I'd done wrong. My boss started talking very generally about teamwork and attitude and kept picking up the stack of papers as if it were a pile of evidence. So after a awkward couple of minutes I said why don't we go through each page and cover each item in detail. Manager number two piped up and said we're not going to cover each and every page or any of the pages, we're going to talk about your attitude. My only thought was how sad. Several months later came the first round of layoffs, you can imagine who might have been included. When I got home I told my wife I'm getting laid off. She looked at me and could see the complete calm and peace. And she said something that my wife rarely says, I can see you haven't done anything wrong.

Who the hell is this guy

Having been a software developer for over 40 years there appears to be two kinds of software; software that disappears like the Morning Dew when the Sun hits it and software that endures. It would be very easy to spend your entire life as a software developer and shortly after retiring have no software to show for it in production. 
Truly great software Developers have very thick skin. They realize that almost every keystroke is going to be criticized. Every decision will be brought into question. Every design will be considered flawed from the outset. This is the nature of software development. What's amazing about this whole process is how little of this software ever sees the light of day. It is a very strange field. Software developers tend to have an attitude which sounds something like this: I'm awesome, everyone else is okay, unfortunately there's a small number of people that are total failures. If you're uncomfortable with this, software development probably is not for you.

I love Jesus and I pray most days that I'll make it into the Eternal Paradise, even so, I'm awesome, you're okay and unfortunately you may be a total failure.

My software is awesome. Much of it has stood the test of time. Years ago a boss was complaining that I had missed a couple of schedules by one to five days. He droned on for several minutes, because he could see it wasn't having the desired effect. When he paused I asked him, what do you think of the quality of my work? He looked confused, then resolute, and replied, the quality of your work is incredible.

looking for God

 We look at other people expecting to find God. Of course this is ridiculous. The Bible may not actually say that God is infinite, but it makes sense. This would explain why there could only be one. If you were infinite and you wanted to create something where would you put it.