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Fixing pillar candles

So most of the pillar candles that I get won't burnworth squat. They burn initially for about 15 minutes and then the flame just goes down to a tiny little spot that you can barely see. The candle will claim that it burns for 80 hours but who wants a flame you can't even see? So here's one idea that seems to work pretty well. (Theres a siren screaming by outside let's hold on a second. Okay that's better. You know the city there's always some disaster going on you always say a little prayer thank you Jesus that it's not me. Of course every once in awhile it is you. Then you say thank you Jesus that I'm still alive. To be honest if you're not really thankful to be alive then say something else.) Let's see where were we? So what seems to work pretty well is to blow the candle out and let it solidify. Then get a match. A regular wooden match. Then glue a piece of cotton string down one edge. Just regular old grade school white glue. Leave about an inch on both ends of extra string. Then drill a hole down beside the existing WICk  the of length the match. After the match and the glue dry then put the match into the hole leaving the match head up. Then light a candelabra candle and drip wax onto the string and onto the match. The wax amazingly will flow down the match and fill up the hole. Make sure the hole is slightly bigger than the match. Don't try to cram the match and the string down a tight hole. Let this dry. Oh yeah make sure to soak all of the string in wax. Then light the candle. In the three experiments so far the candle burns with a very nice flame down to the end of the match. Then you can either throw the candle away or repeat the process to continue burning the pillar candle.

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