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Zoar is a small town in the Bible. And the whole subject of Zoar brings up many more questions than answers. It appears to have not had a name until named by Lot. Which seems unlikely. Also it's been earmarked for destruction by God and Lot intercedes and God doesn't destroy it. This also seems very unlikely. Lot's argument is weak at best and then he doesn't stay there very long and leaves because he's afraid. Why doesn't God go ahead and destroy it as soon as he leaves? Then he goes and lives in a cave which he claimed he wasn't going to be able to do in the first place. Then he ends up having sex with his daughters and getting them both pregnant. The whole thing sounds very bizarre, staged even. Why is God doing and allowing all this very strange and illogical stuff? It's easy to see how non-believers and skeptics might easily write the Bible off as goofy mythology it doesn't really make any sense. I've even had other Christians describe the old testament as childhood myths and stories.

If I had made the whole thing up I somehow would have ended up living in a cave with two really hot black chicks. I wouldn't have gotten them pregnant though that just leads to way too much work. but as you can imagine there would have been lots of wild sex. Anyway this is not what ended up in the Bible. what ended up in the Bible was Lot having sex with his two virgin daughters. Of course he was drunk and didn't remember the whole thing. Sure Lot that's what happened. There might have been drinking in my version but I'm going to remember what happens.

Lord willing we will go into more detail.

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