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the next great movie

so this guy finds out that there are books of the Bible that match up in a regular pattern that hasn't been noticed before.

nobody will take an interest in this, although it is on the internet and several churches have been made aware. Preachers generally say, there is no hidden matching text in the Bible. people that say stuff like that are usually dangerous.

it turns out the guy is concerned that if this becomes widely known radical religious groups might try to assassinate him. after all this might cause people to start reading the Bible.

so the years roll along until the spiritual councilor to a president finds out about this in casual conversation with a preacher that debunked the whole thing years ago.

the spiritual councilor asks about the details, but the preacher only remembers that it has to do with Matthew and Revelation in the New Testament.

the MR guy has continued living a fairly boring life in suburbia.

the president has become obsessed with the idea of nationalizing or socializing the manufacture of vehicle tires, because they are a critical resource that can't be trusted in the hands of bungling capitalists.


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