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Other stuff

the last 3 years 2017-2019

these last 3 years have been a killer. first my mom died. actually first my mother-in-law died. then about a year later my mom died. then a few months later my ex-wife of 33 years died. and just recently one of my cousins died. I don't know, it just seems like that's enough death for three years. of course there are times when there is much more death than that, for example the Black plague. my understanding is there was one village in England where everyone died. people from The neighbouring villages went there and had to bury everyone. the stench must have been unbearable.

so, I've asked our heavenly Father for some time off. some time to ponder the vastness of the universe and reflect. so far it hasn't happened. it seems like things just continue to be as crazy as they've ever been. I got fired, which wasn't exactly on my schedule. and the day I started looking for another job there were a couple of hours where wave after wave of all the negative evil stuff that happened at all my other jobs came pouring over me and consuming my thoughts. as always the father son and holy Spirit came along to drag me through all those thoughts and get me back on the path of righteousness. thank you Father son and holy Spirit.

 now it turns out that software development is brutal. we hear about Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. we  hear about Larry and Sergey and we think wow that's the life for me. just scribble some little undecipherable characters and symbols into a computer and become Uber rich. people all over the world will know you. and you can pretty much do anything you want.

there's one tiny little downside that nobody ever really talks about very much though, unless you're a software developer. software developers are very smart, we're very hard-working, and want to do fantastic work that benefits people, sometimes in distant parts of the world, and we really never receive any appreciation or lasting reward. our bosses complain and getting a job can be gruelling.  once you get a job you're expected to sacrifice yourself on the altar of productivity and constant modifications to the design and your implementation.

for years bosses have tried to use the analogy that writing a software application is like building a house. but people have pointed out time and time again that it is nothing like building a house. you would never get the frame up and then decide you want the garage on the other side of the house. or that instead of a concrete foundation you're going to change your mind and use an oakwood foundation. this of course is after you started putting the roof on. no I don't think software development even remotely is like anything humans have ever done before.

the only real proof you need that God exists is that companies like Microsoft Apple Google Oracle and Facebook even exist. the idea that random subatomic particles colliding over billions of years created these companies is laughable.

let's see now, where were we?

oh yeah. another distant family relative committed suicide in this time period, but i didn't have time to grieve. the events listed earlier in this post are only a small part of all the craziness that's been going on in my life.

and to round things out i got this wild idea for the next big disruptive app. it will eventually alter almost all aspects of how we use our smart phones. but first it will just help you shop for groceries better. it's in the secretive design phase so I'm only allowed to tell the Chinese about it.

an early version was going to have all your groceries March out to your car in the parking lot, but this is way better.

  1. and if this weren't enough, it's suddenly saddened me to think of all the women who are so excitedly getting married here in the next few months. only to have their dreams dashed upon the rocks of male stupidity.


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