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we are on the wrong path !

here is what is actually happening

God has created two parallel universes. we currently exist in a temporary universe we call reality. there's another temporary universe called heaven.

God is actually infinite. both of these universes and anything else that exists exists inside God. because God is infinite there is nowhere else.

the temporary universe we live in is a testing ground, a massive simulation of sorts. that is why we don't live very long. in order to get our buy in we come into this place with no memory of any past and without any way to determine what the real future might be once we die. also we struggle tremendously just to stay alive and to function socially. all of this is aimed at keeping us in the game. if you act very differently from everyone else people start looking at you funny. one place I worked had fish tanks all over the office. when you sat at your desk you literally sat in front of approximately 11 ft of fish tanks around you. there were over 1,200 fish and all these fish tanks. so sometimes you would catch yourself staring at the fish instead of staring at your computer screen. and guess what fish do? if one fish starts swimming funny or fluttering around the other fish eat it. well guess what that's kind of the way humans act 2 but we're so programmed we don't realize it.

a perfect example is Jesus. Jesus started acting the way God really wants people to act and you know what happened to him. in fact most of his direct apostles were chased all over the Roman empire and thrown in jail for the rest of their lives. they weren't acting normal anymore either.

oddly enough the whole point of all this is to figure out who's going to eventually get into the eternal Paradise and who's going to get thrown into the eternal lake of fire. as you may have guessed from these titles Paradise is good and lake of fire is bad.

for whatever reason all the souls that have been created cannot be destroyed. actually that may not be completely correct I think Jesus said something like we should fear him who can destroy your flesh body and your soul in hell. but in Revelation there's certainly an indication that Satan and his angels go into the lake of fire and they are there for all of eternity in a recognizable conscious state. I think this is like Revelation 14. now the assumption is that everyone else that gets thrown in there will remain in that state also but I suppose there's some hope that if you get thrown in there and you're not satan or one of his angels he would just immediately be vaporized into non-existence. that would certainly be the merciful thing to do. we're going back to the whole idea that we really can't see the big picture. there may be very good reasons why everybody has to exist for all of eternity somewhere.

my personal thought on the whole thing is that everything exists this way because God did it this way. if God did it some other way that's the way it would be. there really doesn't have to be any rhyme or reason to it. for instance if you wrote a piece of music it would simply be the music that you wanted. there could be an infinite number of other songs but this is the one you wrote and so this is the one you get. if God really is infinite he can create an infinite number of these universes and have them all running in parallel or how ever, but the Bible doesn't make any indication that it works that way. course there's lots of things that the Bible doesn't tell us everything about. apparently the real point of the Bible, that we have, is to help you make it into the eternal Paradise.

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