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buffoon vs smooth operator

Donald Trump appears to be the buffoon. Obama appeared to be the smooth operator. Look how God is using both to laugh at America.

Obama said that marriage was between a man and woman, then passed the Obama Care bill that redefined sex to help gays and lesbians. He said one thing and did another. Obama pushed hard to turn America into a socialist state, a place where the government is god. Notice how Obama said he was Christian, then quit going to church. God is empowering the left to destroy the Christians. eventually Christians will be killed as described in Revelation 13.  Obama looks so good, family man, not even a hint of misconduct, actually commendable.

President Trump on the other hand has fornicated and adulterated his way into the white House. Trump appears to have pulled every business trick in the book and then some. Trump has gone bankrupt and talked his way out of it. Trump kicked a little old lady out of her home to build a parking garage. what is the matter with this guy? But Trump's end appears to be going in the "Right" direction. Trump is the first and only president who signed up to walk in the annual pro-life parade. Trump has spoken at the annual national rifle association convention and vowed to support the second amendment. Trump is working to get conservative supreme Court judges. and Trump is reversing every Godless socialist action Obama put in place.

ah-choo !

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