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driving on the freeway

the question is not what can your car do, the question is what will the other drivers do. these people are not professional drivers.. and neither am I for that matter. today's mid-range vehicles will easily go 100 miles per hour. many of them will go far faster. a few of them will come close to 200 miles per hour, which really is insane no matter what track you are on. to get an idea of how insane 200 miles an hour is do a search for 190 mile per hour Honda crash. this Honda is on completely flat ground. it never hits anything but the ground. it is completely destroyed.

so, how do you drive on relatively crowded modern freeways given the ego-centric nature of human drivers? when cars are mostly self driving it won't matter, but for the next 5 years it's still a big part of the equation.

one solution is to drive a powerful car. if someone is blocking the left most Lane pull up behind them and flash your lights. very European.

another solution is to hang back and wait for the lane to open or for a reasonable Gap so you can weave through the opening quickly changing Lanes. some people stay stuck in the left lane, even if the right lane is open.

another solution is to drive late at night or choose roads that are less traveled. but the reality is there is no sure bet. with trucks, construction, control freaks and aliens there is no guarantee of carefree high velocity travel.

be prepared to show down and whistle Dixie or something if all else fails.

there is another strategy that sometimes works when out for a leisure cruise. just pull over and stop 5 minutes. when you start up again sometimes all the offending vehicles have magically disappeared. it almost seems divinely controlled at times.

corona-George. notice how in one day the media jumped from the devistating virus to the murder of George?

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