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rush hour traffic in summer of Coronavirus

6 months ago at the very very beginning of the pandemic I left my last job. I've been unemployed all through the pandemic. generally it's way more fun to get up a little later and go out driving to run errands after rush hour. the other day I got up and got out right in the middle of rush-hour. maybe I was just imagining it, but it seemed like everyone was driving slower and was just a little more sluggish in general. like the virus had taken a little something out of their attitude. they were tired of all the crazy whiplashing from the media. they were tired of all the hysteria of the liberals andn the Democrats. they were tired of death hanging over every doorway. they just wanted things to go back the way they were in the 1950s with the exception that blacks and minorities would be treated equally like they are today. and that blacks and minorities would be economically successful politically successful and religiously successful as they are today. otherwise it seems like everyone in their tired sluggish driving was saying can't we just go back to the 1950s but treat minorities with the respect that they were due?


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