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current assessment of constipation

constipation is definitely an individual thing. there are probably lots of causes and lots of different ways to deal with it. currently it seems like there are several key factors which basically are ongoing probably for the rest of my life.

  • stress - stress messes with everything. find the correct stress level for you. it may mean changing jobs or careers. this can be very tough.
  • stay standing at least 30 minutes a day. gravity works better and the chair is a luxury that historically wasn't as available. also people historically stood to work and walked everywhere. there was no mass transit or car.
  • take a fiber supplement. i like Metamucil. it's not too pricey and is easy to take.
  • make things fit around your body rythms. change your schedule of daily activities if necessary. this could be tricky but if you have a meeting right when you normally need to go, somehow you have to make it so that you can go when you need to go.


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