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the automotive industry

For someone, not unlike myself, that is cheap the car industry is a really frustrating place. The most fun cars generally are not the cheapest cars. If they were then the other cars would go away, since nobody would want them, and the cheapest cars would be the only cars. But as fate, God, the universe and everything else has it, the really fun cars cost lots. There can be significant fun in the less expensive vehicles, but they will still require more maintenance and generally will wear out sooner. There isn't a simple rational for this, but it is likely that the really fun chariots cost the most, and the cheapest ones weren't nearly as fun.

The weird thing is that some of the cheapest modern cars last the longest and cost very little to operate. It used to be that the cheap stuff broke down the most and lasted only a short time. Now this doesn't seem to be the case with cars. But don't forget, the cheapest modern cars are not much fun to drive. Some people dress them up and make them look racy, but under the hood is that same 150 HP engine with a top speed of 110 MPH. What is also strange is that the dressed up cheap cars then start costing as much as the low end fun cars. So my attitude is if its going to be a cheap car, for heavens sake, keep it cheap. Looks don't do it for me, fun is fun, cheap is cheap. If you really want to throw in some fun, get a low end fun car, and pay at least 30% more. Unfortunately the fun car will cost more to buy, own and drive and then to make it worse will wear out sooner. Oh well, cheap boring cars last longer so you can live a longer dull boring life. Somehow it all makes sense. This fits in nicely with the whole, "the candle that burns brightest burns out the quickest."

On a more positive note, cheap cars last longer for the very reason that they are under powered and don't handle extremely well. The more powerful agile cars encounter more abuse and physical stress which helps wear them out. So plod along for a long time or zip around and pay much more.

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