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NRA and president Trump

So the president said he wood never ever let down the people of the NRA. From my experience when any human being especially Republican presidents say they will never ever do something fate usually twists things so oddly that they eventually do. This only appears to apply to Republicans who have much higher Integrity than Democrats. Democrats seem to think that the whole idea is to cheat lie and steal and do whatever you can to win at all costs. Republicans seem to think that it's important to take the high road, when they make rash statements it usually comes back to bite them. So if you watch in Trump's second term he will probably approve some legislation where an automatic machine gun can fire no more than 1 million rounds continuously. This of course will require all automatic machine guns to have a computer chip inserted that can track how many rounds have actually been fired continuously. which of course will need to report automatically to a National Database. Which naturally will allow the government to track the exact location of every automatic machine gun on the planet within millimeters. For some reason that's just the way this thing works. while the United States government has granted us these freedoms through God, Satan and the Democrats are constantly working to take them away.

As a good rule of thumb it is a good idea to never ever say never ever. It would be interesting to know if Democratic leaders ever say Never Ever.

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