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The next recession

I guess the news media needs something to do with their meaningless lives. They're either griping that a recession is looming and we're all doomed to stand in the unemployment line or there's a labor shortage and we need to open the borders and let Mexicans flood in from all over the world so you don't have to stand in line so long at McDonald's. Well let me tell you I go to McDonald's a lot and I'm not standing in long lines now and there's a sign at Good Times burgers it says they're hiring starting at $14 an hour. But I still don't see long lines over at good times burgers. Somehow they seem to keep things moving right along. Now of course if these companies were being run by the government there would be massively long lines and you could have 500 people standing behind the counter trying to help you and somehow they just couldn't get it done it's all very weird.

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