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Benedict Cumberbatch

In the latest dream Benedict Cumberbatch plays President Trump. It takes place just before and during the president becoming president for a second term. Someone writes a book about this. The first part of the book is about how the president helps especially disadvantaged children or children with a life-threatening illness. then part of the book is about present events but I can't remember exactly what it was all about. anyway when you pick the book up at the store it looks like it's maybe 600 pages long, but when you actually read it it's one of those books that's like 200 pages long. the back cover is a thick box that basically just looks like more pages somehow. they weight the book to make it feel like more pages but there really aren't more pages to read. Then Benedict Cumberbatch is playing the president at a dinner. The president starts rambling on about all the problems we're having all the wars and as strange as it sounds I stand up and say, I don't know what words you're supposed to say to introduce the next president and to have him give his acceptance speech. does anyone know what words we're supposed to say to introduce the present to a second term? These two guys get up who know how to speak on camera. They're two brothers and everyone seems to know them but me. They start playing off each other's words finishing each other's sentences and they start driving to the point that the president's about to accept his second term as president and They are sort of rambling on and laughing sometimes.  they're not being rude but they're just not getting to the point the president Rushs them and actually pushes them against the table and all three of them fall down. everybody rushes over and helps all three of them up. Then President Trump takes the microphone and says something like I've seen all of your problems your Wars your petty Falls. And he looks right at me and it seemed like for a second Benedict Cumberbatch would come out of character and sort of give some sort of knowing look like yeah I'm just playing the part. apparently he's very good at acting. he doesn't break for even one tiny little instant and that's the end of the dream

This did not happen in the dream colon
The president graciously accepts the microphone and regally addresses the Gathering. There is light Applause all around.

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