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The new radio

Okay the new radio has been a mixed bag. I'll have to go over the details it's been sort of a wild crazy ride. The guy who installed it appears to be a genius. But even Geniuses make mistakes anyway. So before we go over that let's go over what happened right after the install. I was sitting in this parking lot and I decided to pull out into one of those medium speed lanes that goes around shopping malls. Well there was a lady who was pulling out across the street. So I waited for her to go. Now I had glanced to the left and there was no one there. But unfortunately I did not look back to the left before I hit the accelerator to go perpendicular into traffic. There was a super hot babe in some sort of white SUV approaching from the left. I looked up and saw her and slammed on the brakes. She gave me a look like don't you even think about it you slimy bastard. And I could almost swear that she hit the accelerator as if she was just daring me to move one more inch into the traffic. I didn't have time for my heart rate to accelerate I just slammed on the brakes. Looking back on it it would have been better to hit her. There's some remote chance that she's not dating anyone and she was smoking hot. You know it would have been a great reason to exchange license plates insurance information but most importantly phone numbers. she looked like she was in her mid-20s I'm like way over the hill so of course she would have laughed in my face but even that might have been satisfying.

The radio. The guy took me on a whirlwind tour of the super cool touch screen interface which of course went over my head like the jet stream. There was a few times I said now what did you hit to make that happen? And he would show me again real fast. Anyway I got to the parking lot and start playing around with the controls myself the most important thing to me was to be able to adjust the level of the balance and fade of the speakers. It didn't work. The fade did not fade. The next problem I had was I could barely see the screen. I mean it was so dim I couldn't hardly read anything. So I called him up and I said hey the speakers don't seem to be adjusting. He said well that's because you have a separate amplifier you're only going to be able to adjust the balance not the fade. At first that was very bad news in fact I said that's not going to work the fade is important to me. And he said it was because you have a separate amplifier. so then I calmed down and thought to myself well you got a backup camera. And the backup camera is important. And the touchscreen screen is kind of cool. So I just adjusted the base and the trebble and sort of got used to the idea that I wasn't going to have fade. So the next problem was the dim screen. this part gets a little bit complicated to explain. the screen was so dim it was like it thought that it was night time. So because Google has gone communist, I'm switched over to Dogpile. my understanding is that Dogpile uses Google in the background so you know I'm not sure how big of a point I'm making but you know we've all got to try. Anyway Dogpile shows up this YouTube link that talks about how to adjust the dim setting. so it turns out the dim setting automatically comes on when you turn your lights on. And guess what on this particular car it has daylight running lights. they are so bright that I turn the night lights on because they're not as bright as the day running lights. people have flipped me off because the day running lights are so bright they can't hardly see even in the day. so I drive around with the night lights on. Guess what that does? The triggers the radio to dim that very cool touch screen so that I can't see anything. well there's some manual settings on the radio for controlling dimness. One of the settings will let you only turn on the dim During certain times of the day like from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. . But guess what the radio install guy accidentally got the 12-hour clock off by 12 hours. so the radio is thinking it's the middle of the night even though it's 12 p.m. in the middle of the afternoon. so I switch the radio over to 24 hours. then it was obvious to both of us that it was the middle of the day. the radio screen came on really bright. Wow what an adventure just to get the screen where you could look at it. so the install guy said to bring the car back in and he would switch some of the wires around. anyway the radio sounds pretty good now. so soon we'll have to go over the USB drive. You will live it. (there are some words that this speech to text does not understand very well like live and love.)

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