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Drug deals

So over the last year I've been sitting in parking lots. School parking lots church parking lots store parking lots Park parking lots. All kinds of different parking lots. I witnessed at least three drug deals. I'm pretty sure if the city put out 15 to 20 plain clothes people just sitting in parking lots they would see four or more drug deals going down every day. It's not that hard people. we're spending billions of dollars on drug enforcement and I'm guessing we're catching one tiny little bit of the action. It's just not that tough you see two teenagers walking across the parking lot they walk up to a car they say hi their hand reaches inside the car briefly and comes back out with something in their hand they stick it in their pocket and they walk off gee I wonder what just happened I know it was her mom sending them a note don't be late for dinner right? I've seen this happen on three different times. Another way it happens is two cars pull up next to each other inches apart somebody reaches through the window like they're going to shake hands and then when they withdraw their hand you can see that they have it cupped around something. Gee what just happened? hi bro take care have a great day love you too bye. I mean guys it's just not that tough. you collect information on these guys. Follow the cars around and compare all the plates you put together the organization and you do the bust. I mean come on. Columbo gets it, what's the matter with you guys.

Here's my plan and It will explain to you why I'm not in law enforcement. He sits Im parking lots but now your car's been augmented with tons of high-tech shit. It's collecting all kinds of information it's being fed into Watson that supercomputer that uses Ai and all kinds of stuff. Watson's coming back with all kinds of probabilities on what's going on. When watson reaches 99.97% on more and more deals you then call in a SWAT team. The SWAT teams are able to calculate within a high probability where the next deals are going to go down. When the deal goes down the SWAT team which of course is disguised as like a donut delivery truck or something bumps off everybody and drives away and of course there's a wet cleanup team that comes out that makes everything disappear. Imagine how much taxpayer dollars we're saving. Oops bumped off the Sunday School outing, oh well it's a work in progress.

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