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Godzilla doesn't disappoint

Yes, it really is that bad. Many American films have a hard time setting the volume high enough. Not Godzilla. The volume is ear splitting, even the one touching moment. There must have been one, a touching moment. Maybe it was when Godzilla died, the third time. Nope that was super loud! For some reason the whole thing was sort of shot with that Batman quality where everything was dark the whole movie. Like every once in a great while you would see a regular daytime shot. It would last about 10 seconds then it was time for it to be night again. Or they were shooting underwater in some dark deep Cavern. Or the creatures themselves were creating these incredible storm scenes. Yes some of them have the ability to create their own weather systems. Anyway the popcorn was good and the fountain drink was good and the speaker quality was outstanding. The movie was very clear I don't want to ruin it for you because if you like incredibly loud obnoxious movies with creatures screeching and screaming the whole way through it and stuff exploding and buildings flying and melting and crushing and fighter jets getting squashed every 10 seconds, you're going to love this movie. Oh another excellent point about this movie is the humanity is on the verge of Extinction. Now I don't think 7 billion people died on the planet but it's one of those movies where like stuff is just getting destroyed at an incredible rate and you know they usually say something like in a city of 20 million people they'll say something like forty thousand people died. well if you look at these cities if there was 20 million people there before about 19,999,000 of them died. At one point Godzilla becomes so physically hot the buildings are literally turning to Lava if they're within a few hundred yards of him. The CGI was convincing. They made lots of stupid left-wing liberal statements about how there's too many people and we're destroying the planet and we're polluting everything and it's a horrible thing that humanity is doing to the planet and we got to get rid of all these people. So if you like those kind of themes to the movie or there's just too many people on this planet and we're like oh they actually say we're like a virus or something and we need to be exterminated. I mean think about it people. Humans have actually decided that Humanity is a disease. And the planet will actually Parish if we remain in existence. That was actually a theme of this movie and it's a theme of a lot of liberal wackos. It's kind of scary because in America we're actually electing these liberal wackos to offices in powerful positions. I'm not big on political statements but we need to rethink this. The people we're electing are actually going to come to the conclusion that they need to bring Humanity to Extinction. Well at least all the humans except for them and their rich friends. They will continue to live on golf courses and have robot slaves take care of them. Apparently. .

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