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Handles are very cool. Sometime in high school my parents decided it was okay for me to start playing with matches in the house. That's when candles came into play. It was fun to light them and watch them burn and take photographs of them. That was the first time that it became apparent that that little glowing circle around a candle flame actually shows up on the film. Fascinating. Anyway candles have been somewhat of an interest throughout life. Now it's fun to go to the thrift stores and look for interesting pillar candles. They're easy to burn and you have to learn what kind of wax works and what kind of wax doesn't work. Never get the ones that are super light the wax is useless. Ones that are super heavy may be difficult to burn also especially if the wick is too small. But you can augment the wick by stuffing matches down into the wax. This trick works pretty well. Anyway the very simplest candle to burn is a jar candle. Light it and forget it. And even the cheap ones seem like they've got it figured out to where you can just let the thing burn for days if you want to. They used to be that the flame would go down to a tiny little almost invisible spot, but not anymore. Anyway the nice thing about thrift store candles is that if they won't burn right you just throw them away. Funny thing about thrift stores is they have 50% off day. Now it's not quite that simple everything isn't 50% off just some stuff. So if your shop carefully you can get your candles at 50% off. So 50% off of a $5 gigantic candle is only 250. if you get the thing home and mess around with it for a while and it just won't burn right hey guess what you just throw it in the trash oh well 250 down the drain. Hey go look at candles in stores I mean a big candle like I'm talking about can run 40 bucks

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