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 When I was a kid very few kids took photographs. If you did you got to take a roll of film for some special occasion like a birthday party or something. You had to buy the film you had to process the film then you had to pay for paper photographs. So if you wanted to do things less expensive you bought black and white film and you developed your own photographs at school in the school photo lab. It was much less expensive you did have to provide your own paper and your own film. But our school provided all the chemicals and all the equipment and the darkroom. I know it's hard to believe there were no digital cameras. There were no smartphones. There were no cell towers. When you walked out that door every morning your parents were saying strong prayers for you because you were walking out into a hostile environment where anything could happen. You knew that every day could be your last cuz if you were going to make a phone call you had to make it to a 7-Eleven and call from a payphone. And there were just lots of situations were you couldn't put everything on hold and just run over to the nearest 7-Eleven and make a pay phone call. So you knew deep down inside that you were taking your life in your own hands but you just said a prayer Jesus please send me a super powerful guardian angel today and let's go get them in Jesus name we pray amen. There was a much stronger sense of faith before smartphones. People knew that life was fragile and that anything can happen. Now there's this weird sense of invincibility every time you pick up your smartphone. You're in touch with the world you're in touch with the internet you know you can command whole armies right from a little thing in your hand. Nobody better mess with you. Not so when I was a kid. It was just you and God and billions of years of evolution.

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